Anybody Can Play PIANOTo go back to the After School Program Page for additional Levels: Click here. LEVEL 1These activities target the after-school aged students.They include the color coding of the fingers as well as beginning recognition of notes and rhythm. Some "afterschoolers" are quite young, so if you think a different approach would be more appropriate at times, check out the Preschool Steps. It is fairly easy to see the same concept when looking at the images of the Activity Sheets. Feel free to use activities from both "Step By Step" programs -- Pre-schoolers and After-schoolers! COORDINATOR:For some general information just click on Coordinator to print out.Going To Tick Tock Chart
There are 2 different sized charts with visual instructions for going to Tick Tock on the computer/tablet. These should be laminated and attached to each computer.
General Info and SuggestionsTo download the info/instruction sheets, just click on General Info to print out.
I have several Playlists on On the Playlist labeled "General Info" there are a couple videos that would be really good for all of you teachers to view.
It is good idea to sing the songs that will be learned on the piano (the first "language" step).
Color CodingTo download the activity sheets and instruction, just click on Color Coding to print out.
Color Coding Notes in a RowTo download the activity sheets and instruction, just click on Color Coding Notes In A Row to print out.
Notes in a RowTo download the activity sheets and instruction, just click on Notes In A Row to print out.
Quarter/Half Note FlashcardsTo download the activity sheets and instruction, just click on Quarter/Half Flashcards to print out.Anybody Can Play PIANO APPTo subscribe to the Anybody Can Play PIANO app in Windows 10 click here.First week is free - $1.99/mo to continue. EZPianoNotesEZ Piano Notes features Busy Buzzy Bumblbee for enhancing the learning of notes.To subscribe click here. First week free - then $1.99 total cost. |